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At Udavi school I observed math classes for about three weeks. This gave me a good idea of what was missing and which children were having ...
The 6th graders are putting together a science exhibition for the school. A couple of the students had chosen the Cartesian divers as their...
July 30, 2008
- Great running, bloos!
- 50k in Sunmart - Ani
- My first Ultra-Marathon - Sanjeev
- Trail Running
- Warda: My second marathon in back-to-back weekends - Sanjeev
- Bandera and the 43 mile weekend - Sanjeev
- Reminiscences of Chicago Training - Ani
July 21, 2008
George Carlin Dead
I guess that should be it, nonetheless, I decided to dedicate a small space in the internet for a man who made me laugh at the silliness of taking myself seriously and question many of even my 'liberal/progressive' ideas.
Some of his classics 'Golf courses for the homeless', 'Education and owners of America','Classes in America','Saving the planet!','Making large holes in other people's country' will continue to raise questions. His other comic takes on language - 'shell-shock (40's) to post-traumatic stress disorder (70s)' and 'language used in airlines doesn't seem line English to me' while not being thought provoking are quite entertaining.
He will of course be a class apart from other comedians for his bold takes on religion and other authority figures.
If you haven't seen much of him try to get 'Jamming in NY' which is probably his best show.