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November 15, 2007

Roy je kaangal shunno haathe

roy je kaangal shunno haathe dinero sheshe
dai she dekha nishitho raate shoponobeshe

aaloy jaare molino mukhe mouno dekhi
aandhar hole annkhite taar deepti eki
boron mala keje dolai tahanro keshe

dinero beenay je kheen tare chilo hela
jhonkariya othe je taay ratero baila

tondra haara ondhokarer bipulo gane
mondri othe shara aakash ke ahbane
tarar aaloy ke cheye roy nirnimeshe


You, who appear to be empty handed during the day reveal your true nature at night. You seem pale and quiet in the light, what then is this spark I see in your eyes in the dark? There is no music in your being during the day but you produce such wonderful, resonant notes at night..I embrace this true personality of yours and watch it untiringly - that personality which is filled with endless music that echoes in the skies...

I find the allusion to day-night a reference to situations when I am just existing as against being alive. Sure, I do things to get by in this world, things that don't necessarily motivate me. What makes me alive is when I simply am. I enjoy the expression that comes forth then, enjoy the moment. It is like encouraging the yellow in me to grow (find the yellow-stripe story here).


Hitchcock said...

very interesting song.... had not read this post before....
funny tagore spoke about this a long time ago..clairvoyant?? or was "corporate" life even boring back then?? :)

Ani said...

s0ome things havent changed with time i guess!

i love this song..

Anonymous said...

Very nice song !!
