day after the heavy rains we had an almost full strength in the 6th
grade at Udavi. The previous day only seven children had worked with the MM and it felt like a good exercise in observation and expression
to see how these children described what they had seen. Based on
their descriptions I asked children to write or draw what they felt
had happened.
the pics from the ones who had not come had a computer (or laptop)
connected to a leaf/plant and apparently running Scratch and making a
sound. The children in their excitement to describe the plants,
sticks, communicating with the computer had not been able to describe
the MM. However, in their own drawings the MM was present as a black
had a discussion of what we see and observe and what we understand
and interpret. Once I pulled out the MM the children were able to
recall most of what they had seen, but they could not talk about what
they interpreted as to what happened initially. As I gave them time,
one aspect of the MM sending signals to the computer was brought
forward as something they had not seen, but interpreted based on the
reaction of the computer and the lighting up of the board when we
touched something. The other aspect of understanding how the board
was able to detect that it had been touched was ambiguous.
went to the computer lab and I gave a 'magic show' with making the MM
board respond or not respond to my touching by saying it before hand.
The children were very focused on what my hands were doing and
whether I was touching the banana gently or not as gently, etc and
did not notice that in the times I wanted the MM to respond I was
touching my legs to the floor. Once I explained the trick I was able
to lift my foot off the floor and use the wire provided to connect to
the board with the same effect. Then I made it further simpler by
bypassing everything and directly connecting the ground to one of the
trigger points and then talking about how the circuit is being closed
even by me.
then discussed why we don't see the same in real life of connecting a
battery with a LED and holding the two ends to light it. This brought
forward the sensitivity of the MM to detect even not so good
conductors. Then we moved to what we saw the previous day with
respect to plastic and wood and that even their resistance can drop
when things are wet.
concluded with what precautions a lineman should take when working on
main lines. The kid of clothes that he should wear especially when it
then did the same session with the 7th graders and was a
little surprised that they were able to give all the signals given by
the MM (space, click and four arrow keys). All their pictures
highlighted MM and had it in this kind of detail. Thought when
describing it in words they also cound not convey the MM. I then
realized that since we have been working with scratch were able to
understand not only that the MM sent some signals, but had perhaps
read the code and noticed the signals.
could, however, not pull the 'magic trick' on them. Almost
immediately one hand went up and then within 10-15 sec three more
went up on what I was doing with my foot. The loop closing made
sense to the children and they went overboard asking me to use
various chains of objects that would close the loop, e.g. touch this
banana to the next, then to your keychain and then touch it.
talked about possible uses of what we could do with a MM. The most
common idea is a burglary alarm, but I'm hoping more ideas will come.